Both Annette and I have a past as business travellers with countless nights in 5 star business hotels.
We agreed in everything when we read Martha C. White’s article in The New York Times – about a new kind of business hotels that were spreading in the US.
Every time we have stayed in one, we would have preferred the more casual and relaxed hotels we stay in when we travel on our own.
So right from the start we wanted to create a space where business travellers and back packers meet.
Yesterday we arrived too late to reach our connecting flight from Istanbul to Kathmandu. So we are now staying in Turkish Airlines partner Kaya Istanbul with 5 Stars, lots of rooms with room service and minibar. We would have preferred to stay in one of our favorit hotels in Down Town.
What we prefer are 1) Location, 2) basic conveniences & 3) cozy common areas where you meet people.
When we woke up today jet lagged & stressed and opened our computers to check bookings there was an new review in our mailbox. Won me over in the end it said and continued:
If it wasn’t for this very inconvenient stopover we probably wouldn’t have had the chance to give this review an extra thought. Not only have we had the time to read it, but because of the hotel we are staying in we’ve also had an occasion to reflect on what we do: We are doing the right things. At least for business travellers who likes what we like.
And more important: Tings may not be the best hotel in Lisbon. But our staff is. Which gives us an occasion to shout out to them.
Annette & Thomas